BPA Announces Catherine MacLeod as the 2024 Amy Award Recipient

Bainbridge Performing Arts proudly announces Catherine MacLeod as the recipient of the prestigious 2024 Amy Award. The Amy Award, established to honor the memory of gifted young artist Amy Anderson, is presented annually to recognize a promising emerging creative professional with a connection to Bainbridge Island.

Having relocated to Bainbridge Island at the age of 8, Catherine's MacLeod’s immersion in BPA's Theater School program marked the beginning of an extraordinary artistic journey. From her inaugural class in Rusalka to her multifaceted contributions spanning main stage performances, backstage volunteering, teaching, and technical theater curriculum development, Catherine's dedication and talent have been exemplary, and her journey with BPA is a testament to the transformative power of the arts

Reflecting on her time with BPA, Catherine remarked, "BPA became my sanctuary, a second home where I thrived and grew during my formative years." Her involvement not only nurtured her confidence but also instilled in her a profound love for the arts.

Under the mentorship of BPA's dedicated staff, including Production Manager Deirdre Hadlock and former Executive Director Dominique Cantwell, Catherine honed essential life skills beyond the stage. From adaptability to effective problem-solving, Catherine's journey at BPA equipped her with invaluable tools for success.

Graduating from Bainbridge High School in 2014, Catherine pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Communication at the University of Washington, where she distinguished herself with the Kaplan Prize for outstanding undergraduate work in narrative journalism.

Transitioning seamlessly into the professional realm, Catherine's career trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Catherine's resilience and determination propelled her to success. From her role as an Executive Assistant for Prime Video Channels to her recent promotion as Production Operations Coordinator at Amazon Live Sports Production, Catherine continues to shine in the field of production. In 2023, she was one of the team members who received the 2022-2023 Sports Emmy® award for Outstanding Interactive Experience Event Coverage.

She is proud to receive the 2024 Amy Award and is excited to use the prize for professional development to continue to nurture that “sense of quality, creativity, exploration and dedication.” She would like to dedicate this award to her parents, Peter and Debbie MacLeod, who have given their unwavering support of all her endeavors.

The Amy Award, administered by Bainbridge Performing Arts, Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Arts and Humanities Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Community Foundation, aims to foster the growth and development of promising young artists on Bainbridge Island. Established in 1999, the award seeks to honor artists who exemplify a commitment to quality, creativity, exploration, and dedication.

Matt Longmire